being and health of older people - enhancement of new forms |
This website was created to manage the initiative related to the 'calls for
proposals' announced by the RTD&D Commission of EU.
The content of the page:
1. Objectives of the website and data concerning the open calls of proposals suitable for
the discussed subject
2. Introduction to the indicated problem
3. List of institutions and people who are already interested
4. First comments of people, who received the letter
Important our and external Internet resources
1. Objectives of the website and data concerning the open calls of proposals
suitable for the discussed subject
The subject could be presented for following ' calls
for proposals ' :
(1). " New and Emerging Science and Technology " - action line 'Adventure' (
call reference number/identifier : FP6-2003-NEST-A -
http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/nest.htm )
(2). " Citizens and Governance in a knowledge-based society " call
reference number/identifier: FP6-2002-Citizens-3 - Research
Area 5 : Articulation of areas of
responsibility and new forms of governance - 5.1.1 Public interest:
conception, regulation and
( http://fp6.cordis.lu/citizens/call_details.cfm?CALL_ID=14 )
Ad.(1) The RTD&D Commission precise (
http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/nest_mechanisms.htm ) that:
" .. ADVENTURE projects should address very challenging objectives in a novel and
adventurous way to develop new scientific understanding and technological capabilities.
They should use unconventional and innovative approaches, bringing together teams of
researchers with different areas of expertise. Researchers will be expected to show strong
personal commitment to their projects, appropriate to the high potential rewards
expected... ADVENTURE projects must be of truly excellent scientific quality, and have
well-defined objectives. In principle, ADVENTURE projects may be undertaken in any
research field, with the expectation that in many cases, they will be multidisciplinary.
ADVENTURE projects will generally be implemented as 'specific targeted research
The commission foresee for the mentioned type of proposals so called STREP instrument (
specific targeted research project ) The possible budget can not exceed
600 000 E. The STREP instrument is rather simple and suitable for small consortia. . The
proposal can be presented only in in two step procedure. First so called ' outline
proposal ' should be submitted ). The part B of the proposal can not exceed 5 pages.
The second deadline for these ' outline proposals ' is 22 October 2003.
Ad.(2) The RTD&D Commission precise in the " Work program " of
the ' action line' { 5.1.1. Public interest: conception,
regulation and implementation } that :
"... The objective is to improve understanding of the concepts of and identify policy
options in relation to the public interest in Europe. Research should compare such
concepts, and identify factors leading to changes in the notion of the public interest and
its implementation especially through the provision of public services (or "services
of general interest"). It should assess the economic, territorial, social and
political impact of the various forms of liberalisation of public services, including on
quality of life of sections of the population, and address related policy issues from a
cross-country perspective. Comparison of the theory behind the changes and the reality in
practice, including effectiveness and efficiency in service provision. Governance issues
including regulation, public sector change, international trade and investment
negotiations, rights of access to such services, relations between public and private
interests, and questions of democratic scrutiny. A wide range of public services and a
longer-term perspective should be included. Comparative work is essential, using the
most relevant experiences from developed and developing countries...."
The call for proposals : FP6-2002-Citizens-3 assume only the '
Integrated Project ' or Network of Excellence instruments. The deadline for the
first call is: 12.2003
We imagine the cooperation on this subject in the following way:
1. W have begun the construction of this website, which will serve as a
tool to communicate and gather slowly all necessary materials necessary to complete the
text of the proposal.
2. The first stage could consists on the 'brain storming phase'.
3. On the basis of this kind of discussion we will try to formulate: work package list,
deliverables list, work package descriptions and present them in this website also.
It would be useful and the work would progress quickly if interested potential partners
will formulate work packages about the work, which they would like to perform.
4. When the website will contain almost all necessary documents some final steps necessary
to the elaboration of the proposal can be accomplished also by any partner, who would like
to take the role of the general coordinator.
5. The presented methodology of the elaboration of the proposal will be possible when the
objectives , final goal and the outline of necessary work aiming to the fixed goal of the
project will be presented in more details. So we concentrate here first on
formulation of the draft of the proposal.
Well being and health of
older people - enhancement of new forms of care and help
by a ' personal and societal on line helping tool '.
Outline of the proposal of the project
European population become older. The percentage of old people
increase. Average feeling, general well being and health of
older people is not very good. They suffer often by reason of chronic
diseases and decreased mood or even depression. Loneliness, low self esteem,
feeling of live meaningless are their frequent problems.
Sometime the family help older members. In some countries people
on retreat are supplied by funds derivated in fact from taxes paid by younger members
of the society.. It is known already that these social protection will decrease.
These expenses are to big in ageing societies. On average older people anyhow
feels usually secluded or isolated from important matters and
they fee needless.
The role of an animator, who could be able to engage older people
again into essential matters could be conceived. Sometime this role could be
performed by so called social workers, but ' animators ' of older
people should refer to institutional, societal tools, resources and
structures. Otherwise it is impossible to reproduce real
involvement of older people in meaningful events, happenings and actions. The
effective help enabling to overcome the feeling of needless should consist
on the creation of contact with those people, who suffer
by reason of opposite needs. It is necessary to put them in touch with people
who feel deficit of presence.
Therefore formulation and eventual creation of a ' societal,
informational and software supporting structure ' is justified. We
try to describe this kind of ' personal and societal on line helping tool '
bellow by description of endeavors which should be performed
to obtain the mentioned ' institutional, societal tools, resources
and structures '
We formulate the description of these necessary
endeavors in worm of outlines of work package, which should be realized
during the eventual performance of the appropriate project.
1. Formulation of the concept of ' essential medical care
Older people suffer often by reason of many
chronic diseases. It is natural that they are in frequent contact with medical care
services. Many ' health insurance institutions ' maintain however system
of ' clearing of accounts ' based on the number of
performed visits and examinations. Older people are particularly liable to
exaggerated over - diagnosis. They are often ' carriers of points ' important for
finances of medical institutions. Therefore the ' essential medical care system
' based on holistic, psychosomatic approach for older people should be
2. Formulation of structure and action of ' social support
centers '.
Unnecessary frequent medical activities could be
replaced by visits in a special ' social support centers ' prepared for
activities enabling to overcome the real essential causes of bad feeling, which results
most often from { loneliness, isolation, needless, inactivity, boredom, low self esteem,
feeling of live meaningless, frustration, helplessness }. Certainly those centers should
be run by well trained and motivated ' animators '. In the future these people should
grasp the knowledge of psychology specialized in problems of older
people. Animators of SSC should have possibility to refer to many special
material and informational resources. These centers should maintain ( i ) many
activities enhancing human contacts and utilize many
( ii ) supporting tools. We determine them in next work packages. Apart of the office and
specialized facilities of the ' animators ' a center of this kind should run a
kind of ' a local club for members'. This club should be open and should
be run on the basis of attractive center of activity also for other potential
interested group of younger people. This activity should be similar to ' culture
clubs', ' hostels for creative people ' or simple a good prospering pension, tavern
etc. SSC could by partly sponsored by new financial mechanisms described
bellow. It is impportant however that the manager of a SSC will take most of
responsibility to obtain a good results in social and
economic aspects of the activity of his SSC. He should be partly the agent and partly the
owner of the SSC. The competitive mechanism should be implement to search for
appropriate managers of SSC. The task of the management of SSC should be profitable
for agents. Competition should exists also among SSCs. So, in general activities of
SSCs should partly consist on normal free market rules.
3. Definition of complementary human contacts and its management.
On average, older people suffer by reason of loneliness.
They feel often not needed and not involved in important happenings.
Often it is a real fact. The week involvement in significant
matters results not only by isolation from past
acquainted people but also by week present ability to bound new
We mentioned that ' effective help enabling to overcome the
feeling of needless should consist on the creation of
contact with those people, who suffer by reason of opposite needs '. It is
necessary to put them in touch with people, who feel ' deficit of
presence '. Examples are children, who instead of human contacts watch television,
patients in many hospitals, other lonely elder people and so on.
The detailed list of ' complementary human contacts should be
elaborated. The mentioned
' social support centers ' should facilitate management of those contacts.
The appropriate software platforms could be elaborate to organize arrangements
of those contacts. The principle of ' virtual temporary family
membership (VTFM) ' could serve as example of new form of
involvement in needed contacts. VTFM could consist on temporary stay of
an older person in apartments of families which need ' amplification of presence '.
It could be organized on the principle of so called ' virtual hotels ( pensions) '. A room
could be hired for an older person who would like to realize care on children or
other members of the family. It would be two sides services. An older person will obtain
the opportunity to live temporary in new, attractive place and the family with
the deficit of presence will improve sane, humane relationships. Of course an
appropriate software platform should be defined, elaborated end implemented to
enable search for this kind of exchange of services.
4. Determination of a range of non - pharmacological methods
stimulating mood and self - esteem.
It seems that some ' healing methods ' can be especially
suitable for the improvement of well being and average mood of older
people on the principle of the intensification of the
awareness of oneself and better recall of
own biography, especially of positive aspects of past events.
Access to the images of past events can be impaired not only
by distorted ability of remembrances but also by mental
fragmentation of
(1) real own actions ( events ) in the past,
(2) by later mental rather negative judgements and evaluations
of own past acts.
We characterize the essence of this kind of methods in more details under :
The ' animators' or therapeutists employed in ' social support
centers ' should be able to indicate and train members of the club in utilization
of those mentioned methods.
5. Definition of the journal ( weekly ), TV channel, and mobile phone service
specialized in problems of older people.
It seems that most of journals, especially
weekly and monthly magazines focus on problems relevant to younger people. The weekly
magazine devoted to older people is necessary. This journal could be also the guide
supporting managers and ' animators ' of mentioned ' social support centers '. It could
promote various possible activities of SSCs.
Similarly the specialized TV channels, which will concentrate on problems and needs of
older people, would be use full too. These TV channel could realize also many task useful
for activity of SSCs. It would be useful also for so called ' friendly retreat insurance
foundations '
( f- RIF ), defined below in the point 7.
Mobile phones are not shaped in a friendly manner for older people. The management of the
access to mentioned complementary human contacts could be facilitated by services based on
transmition of 'short messages'. On of the task of project work packages will consist on
definition and detailed formulation of assumptions and rules of actions of specialized
journal, TV channel and mobile phone services.
6. Definition of the software platform ( website ) supporting action
of ' social support centers ' , specialized insurance companies as well
as particular interested persons.
Our project assumes that emotional support and help for older people should be
transmitted by people. The most deficit value in ageing society is the ' human presence '.
We conceived the formula of ' social support centers ' to plan ways for human emotional
help and support. The tasks and actions of SSCs are however sophisticated. Probably only a
part of formed SSCs will succeed to create the friendly and attractive ambiance. Therefore
the source of information for managers and animators of SSCs is necessary. We plan that
this kind of information will be supplied be an appropriate website (software platform).
So called of ' friendly retreat insurance foundations (f-RIF) ' will need also a medium of
the transmission of important information.
One of the task of the project should consist on the elaboration and implementation of the
appropriate website. This WWW page could be treated as the 'origin' of this software
7. Definition of structure, organization rules and economic principles of
new kind of ' retreat insurance foundation'
Apart of state guaranties for payments of retreat pensions, in
some countries so called ' retreat insurance foundations ' exist. Usually
action of these foundations concern only financial issues.
Shortly speaking, members of particular foundation pay during many years of
participation fee, which is gathered on their accounts . The
foundation invests this money and usually augment the value of its funds. In
the time of retreat, the foundation is able to pay pensions. Retreat insurance
foundations deduct provision, therefore they are profitable institutions.
We assume that the essential task of the presented project will
consists on the definition, and formulation of structure, financial mechanisms
and detailed rules of action of another kind of ' retreat insurance
foundations ' ( RIF ) . In order to communicate effectively we
will name here this new kind of RIF as friendly - RIF (
f-RIF ). Here, in this draft we precise only the most important general
rule. The f-RIF should gather a part of contributed fees of
members on separate account, which will be utilized in the time of retreat for
payment of the membership in a particular ' social support center ' and
different services mentioned in above points of the draft of the proposal (
essential medical care, management of complementary human contacts, non-pharmacological
curing methods and so on ). Probably the utilization of this part of gathered
money should be optional. Sometime a member of f-RIF could design
this money on other expenses according to his will. The
institution of f-RIF kind should be profitable. Moreover its additional
action and good reputation can attract them more clients.
The content of this website will
be developed !
Prof. Andrzej Brodziak, M.D. Ph.D., Dr.S
andrzejbrodziak@wp.pl also anbro@interia.pl