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                                                                              Erasmus+ Turkish Evening

On January 14th , 2022  Fatma Uçar from the International Cooperation Office organized Turkish Evening for the Erasmus+ students. This semester, 10 people came to our university from Turkey with the Erasmus+ Program. The purpose of the evening was to introduce Turkish culture to foreign students from other countries and to look at the characteristics of Turkish traditions. Different delicious types of food were prepared with the synchronization of the cultures of the students from different regions of the Turkey,

 The evening began with the preparation of the meals at the university dormitory kitchen. There were three kinds of food: Sarma, Kısır and Brownie. While the meals were being prepared, the information was given about the features of them and how they were made. Everybody helped with the cooking of the food, and some Turkish folklores were performed with the Turkish music. While the foods were being cooked,  Fatma made a presentation about important places and symbols of Turkey and told students what to do and what to eat when they go to Turkey.

 After the presentation, meals were served. While tasting the food, students discussed  the dishes and their formats which are different in other countries. After the meals were eaten, the Turkish evening ended.

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