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International Cooperation Office

Brochure Erasmus+ Partner
Nysa City
On 18.02.2016 the International Cooperation Office at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa once again organised the Adaptation Day - a welcome meeting for the new Erasmus+ students, who came to our University for the spring semester.

The main aim of the event was to make them familiar with relevant information about studying at the UAS in Nysa and moving through the city, as well as explaining to them various regulations. Another purpose was to break the limits, especially in communication.

The meeting began with a welcome speech of Mariusz Kołosowski, Ph.D., Eng. - Vice-Rector for Studies and a presentation about our University prepared by Anna Opałka, M.Sc. - Head of the International Cooperation Office. Participants were also introduced to the cross-cultural understanding concept later on.

The next presentation concerned the possibilities of spending free time in Nysa from a point of view of Erasmus student from the previous semester.

Then all the students participated in team work and different types of games and they had opportunity to get to know each other. Moreover they were collecting points during the contests (e.g. Quiz about Poland), which could have been exchanged for gadgets and prizes. The event was concluded by hot pizza and bowling competition dominated by Turkey and Greece representants :)

It is worth emphasising that this Adaptation Day was kind of special, because it was the first time we hosted representatives from Balkan countries, not being members of the European Union. Contact with the new cultures surely influenced the meeting and we hope new countries will add something unexceptional to the current semester.

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