
NewsContactInternational OfficePolish Desk of the EuroIndia Centre in NysaCBEKZ

International Cooperation Office

Brochure Erasmus+ Partner
Nysa City

09.12.2015, 2.30 p.m.; Obrońców Tobruku 27, Meeting with UAS ICO, x-mass workshop 11.12.2015,6 p.m.; Obrońców Tobruku 27, Concert and meeting with UAS NYSA Staff

Time is flying fast, we`re getting older and wiser thanks to new experiences that life brings every day.
December is one of the most important months for all the Poles, and we would like to explain You why is that so.

ON 9TH OF DECEMBER WE INVITE YOU FOR THE X-MASS WORKSHOPS tied up with monitoring meeting. For all international students at UAS NYSA we will present us our polish x-mass customs and beliefs, let You try some x-mass dishes and prepare amazing decorations from gypsum and other material to be taken by you as a souvenir and to be given for our RECTOR as a gift from international students. All will be surrounded by x-mass music including polish carols.

We will also decorate our x-mass tree, take a photo of the group and send it with x-mass wishes to your International Offices.
Would be nice to have you on this photo then :) :) :)

During the meeting we will also explain you the procedures regarding the coming exam session as well as the end of the semester as an Erasmus + Student. For those that would like to stay for next semester and have not been contracted and confirmed yet this is the deadline for final decision.

Meeting will start from 2.30 p.m. (9.12.2015) and will be organized at Obronców Tobruku 27 Street at the R&D Centre for Conservation and Renovation.

We are waiting you, PLEASE BE THERE!

Anna Opalka and whole International Cooperation Office Team

Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nysie © 2018    
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