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                                                                            Eramus+ Easter Meeting

With the arrival of spring and the warming of the nice weather, we felt that Easter has come. If there's anything as beautiful as Easter, than it's celebrating it with a people around. Therfore, our Erasmus family met together to celebrate Easter!

Different cultures, different people, different stories, but the same topic… Polish culture. This semester we decided to organize Polish Easter Dinner. This year, Month of Ramadan, when Muslims are fasting, coincided with Easter. They broke their fasts together. Group of our Eramus students have gathered around this special table. Before eating, we had a short film about Polish Easter and we watched it together. Then, we ate traditional soup called żurek w chlebie and some chocolote eggs, tea, cakes and more. After eating, a quiz about Polish Easter Culture was done inlcuding Easter symbols reminding of warmth and homely atmosphere. 

We hope that all of us had great time together. ICO wishes everyone Blessed Easter that will bring new hope to you and happiness to your loved ones!

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